Orktober (red edition)

Greetings, fellow humans! With it being Orktober, I decided that I’d share some more of my previously finished models. Therefore, this week I have mostly been focusing on my Evil Sunz.

Evil Sunz are my newest Ork army, although I started painting them back in 2016. Once my Bad Moons are finished my current plan is to go back to my Evil Sunz. Trukks and Slugga Boyz seem to be a pretty good option at the moment, and they’ll be a nice change from my Dread Mob and Shoota Boyz.

Pictured above are the infantry models that I re-based along with my other Ork armies a few years ago: 2 Warbosses, Warboss in Mega Armour (the old metal Ghazghkull Thraka), 3 Nobz, 18 Slugga Boyz and 2 Squigs (Kromlech Gnaws that I used as objective markers).

I count the Warboss in Mega Armour as Gorgutz ‘Ead ‘Unter from the original Dawn of War video game (just because I can). I painted a couple of the glyphs on his bosspole in Deathskulls and Bad Moon colours to tie him in to my other armies. He probably duffed up some gitz from those clans and looted their glyphs to show them who’s really da boss.

This picture was taken before I re-based all of my Orks to their current ‘lighter desert sand’ look.

Not pictured are: 3 Deffkoptas and 2 Trukks (which didn’t need re-basing) and 1 Trukk, 18 Warbikers and 9 Meganobz (which still need to be painted) and 3 Battlewagons (which still need to be built).

I painted the majority of my Evil Sunz in late 2016/early 2017, although I did add a few characters back in late 2020. The Mek and Painboy were a lot of fun to paint, although they won’t be able to tag along with my Meganobz any more due to the 10th edition leader rules.

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