Orktober (blue edition)

Greetings, fellow humans! With it being Orktober, I decided that I’d share some more of my previously finished models. Therefore, this week I have mostly been focusing on my Deathskulls.

Deathskulls are my oldest Ork army (that I still own). I had a bit of a cull of them several years ago to make room for (and fund) other clans, so I need to bulk them out a bit to try to regain some of their former glory.

Pictured above are the infantry models that I re-based along with my other Ork armies a few years ago: Warboss, Warboss in Mega Armour (Forge World Ork Runtbot), Weirdboy (Forge World Ork Pilot), Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun, Big Mek with Kustom Force Field, 15 Stormboyz, 15 Lootas, 15 Burna Boyz and 6 Ammo Runts.

Not pictured are: 6 Deffkoptas (which didn’t need re-basing) and 15 Tankbustas, 15 Kommandos, 20 Boyz, 5 Nobz, 30 Grots, a Morkanaut and a Gorkanaut (which still need to be painted).

This picture was taken before I re-based all of my Orks to their current ‘lighter desert sand’ look.

My Warboss is called Brainspilla Bonehead, and my clan is based on some old lore from the classic Rogue Trader-era Waaargh The Orks! book:
‘…the Boneheadz family of Death Skulls once overran and plundered an Imperial penal colony, and wore fragments of convict clothing printed with black arrows for generations afterwards.’
In hindsight, choosing to freehand arrows onto a horde army was a poor choice, but never mind…

The two Forge World models I picked up in person at Games Day 2011, and I count them as a Warboss in Mega Armour (for Forge World Ork Runtbot, painted with an old school NES controller) and as a Weirdboy (for the Forge World Ork Pilot, painted like the Joker of DC/Batman fame).

My two Big Meks are more recent additions, and were converted from the Flash Gitz kit (along with three other characters for my Bad Moons). Both the Shokk Attack Gun and Kustom Force Field use a mixture of Killa Kan and Meganob parts (with the Shokk Attack Gun being looted from a converted Deff Dread in an old White Dwarf article). They also feature some bits from the Nobz and Lootas/Burnas kits.

In terms of the facepaint schemes, I decided upon the following:
The characters and Nobz have blue and white ‘Braveheart’-style facepaint.
The Boyz have blue facepaint.
The Gretchin aren’t important enough for blue facepaint, so they dip their hands in it when the Orks aren’t looking.
The Spanners also have blue arms for extra luck with their Kustom Mega Blastas.

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